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Your product selection from Happy Hen Farm

Whole Heritage Pastured Hog

$4.50 per pound

A whole hog purchase includes processing costs at a local USDA facility. The customer chooses the cuts and sausage choices. The bacon is nitrate-free (and DELICIOUS). Please contact us with any questions!

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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About Happy Hen Farm

Happy Hen Farm is a small family farm in Franklin County, NC that is dedicated to raising pigs, chickens, and cows humanely and sustainably for families in the Triangle and surrounding areas. We want our animals to be raised in the old fashioned manner with great care and attention to the animal and our environment. Our heritage breed pigs are raised in large pastures that provide sunshine, grass, mud, and wooded areas for rooting up acorns. Our Angus beef cows have huge grassed pastures with wooded areas for shade. Our chickens are kept in mobile "chicken tractors" that are moved daily to always provide fresh grass and insect hunting for the chickens as well as allowing the pasture to benefit from their natural fertilizer. All of our animals are fed locally sourced and locally milled GMO-free feed. Our chickens' feed is Soy-free as well as being local and GMO-free. Thank you for checking out our farm! We look forward to hearing from you!


Happy Hen Farm
60 Happy Hen Lane
Louisburg, NC 27549

More products from Happy Hen Farm

Whole Heritage Pastured Hog

$4.50 per pound

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A whole hog purchase includes processing costs at a local USDA facility. The customer chooses the cuts and sausage choices. The bacon is nitrate-free (and DELICIOUS). Please contact us with any questions!

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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Half Heritage Pastured Hog

$4.75 per pound

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A half of hog purchase includes processing costs at a local USDA facility. The customer chooses the cuts and sausage choices. The bacon is nitrate-free (and DELICIOUS). Please contact us with any questions!

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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